Wed, 05 Feb 25 09:49 pm EST    Languages: Español  Français  Português
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Our Coordinates: Lat 42.75 N, Long 71.85 W  


We offer an assortment of directional and omnidirectional antennas. While there are many factors to consider in making an antenna decision there are 3 inescapable truths: 

  1. Height is everything.      
  2. The radio will only perform as well as the antenna and cable connected to it.      
  3. Height is everything.
We spread spectrum radios using only a 3" long unity gain whip antenna have a line-of-sight range of about 20 miles. Using external antennas will improve their performance considerably. In general, Yagi antennas should be used for longer point-to-point links and omnis for shorter links or for repeater sites. However these are simply guidelines. With proper placement the type of antenna becomes secondary. As an example we know of installations where Yagis are used for repeaters, with a 10 mile link coming into the back or side of the antenna.
We offer the following antennas. Note: the omni-directional antennas may be used with either brackets or magnetic mounts.
Ordering Info
EAN0900NR900 MHzWhip,1/2 waveNo N-type Male8" Tall5 
EAN0900RQ900 MHzWhip,1/4 waveNo Reverse SMA3" Tall5 
EAN0900SR900 MHzWhip,1/2 waveNo SMA7" Tall5 
EAN0900SQ900 MHzWhip,1/4 waveNo SMA3" Tall5 
EAN0900WB900 MHzHigh gainNo3 dBNMO12" Tall1Donut pattern, open Coil
Includes brackets.
EAN0900WR900 MHzWhipNo screw 6Replacement for DGR-115
EAN0900YC900 MHzYagiYes10 dBN-type fem24" Long27-element; Bluewave;
50 °H / 45 °V Beamwidth.
125 MPH rated wind velocity.
EAN0905WB900 MHzHigh gainNo5 dBNMO33" Tall1Elevated feed antenna.
No ground plane required.
Includes brackets.
EAN0906YA900 MHzYagiYes6 dBN-type fem15" Long83-element; Mobile Mark;
100 °H / 60 °V Beamwidth.
100 MPH windload.
EAN0906WB900 MHzHigh GainNo6 dBN-type fem65" Long7Fiberglass; Antenex;
Includes brackets.
EAN2400NR2.4 GHzWhip,1/2 waveNo N-type Male5" Tall5 
EAN2405WC2.4 GHzWhipNo5 dBNMO4.5" Tall3Donut Pattern, no ground plane required
EAN2414CR2.4 GHzCorner reflectorYes14 dBN-type fem7" Tall 5" Deep444 °H / 35 °V Beamwidth
EAN2413SP2.4 GHzAdjustable Sector PanelYes13 dBN-type fem  Provides field adjustable horizontal beamwidths of 45 ° (17 dBi) to 120 ° (13 dBi)
We also can provide omnidirectional antennas with a horizontal polarization. Horizontal polarization may be very useful when one of the radios in a link is co-located near a page or cell phone tower, by effectively lowering the overall noise floor by up to 20 dB. When using Yagi antennas, this is accomplished by turning both antennas in the link so their elements are horizontal. Out-of-band noise may also be reduced with the use of our band pass filters.
NOTE: use of proper cable assembly is very important!
Fig. 1 - 900 MHz 5 dB with Magnetic Mount & 3 dB Bracket Mount
900 MHz 5 dB with Magnetic_0904

Fig. 2 - 900 MHz EAN0900YC (Bluewave) 10 dB
900 MHz EAN0900YC 10 dB_0904

Fig. 3 - 2.4 GHz EAN0905WC - 5 dB omnidirectional without mounting bracket
2.4 GHz EAN0905WC 5 dB_0904

Fig. 4 - 2.4 GHz EAN2414CR - 14 dB corner reflector
2.4 GHz EAN2414CR 14 dB_0904

Fig. 5 - Whip Stubs Antennas - Unity Gain
Whip Stubs Antennas_0904

Fig. 6 - EAN0900WR - Replacement for DGR-115
EAN0900WR Replacement for DGR-115_0904

Fig. 7 - EAN0906WB

Fig. 8 - 900 MHz EAN0906YA (Mobile Mark) 6 dB
900 MHz EAN0906YA Antenna_1005