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Products FSO IR Laser TeraOptic 4221e

TeraOptic 4221e 1005

The TeraOptic 4221e is the latest in a line of high bandwidth, carrier-grade systems. It is unique among our solutions in that it operates via free-space optics and thus does not use radio frequency. The system is a cost-effective solution for high-bandwidth connectivity at ranges less than one kilometer, and is ideal for deployments such as mobile wireless backhaul, single customer access, multi-tenant building access, enterprise E1/T1, Fast Ethernet extension and LAN-to-LAN or campus connectivity.

Key Features 

  • Designed for outdoor installations providing bandwidths of 125 Mbps independent of transport protocol      
  • Ideal for dense metro deployments in the range of 20 meters to 1 kilometer      
  • Operates at a wavelength of 850 nm and is completely eye-safe, with a Class 1 IEC/CDRH rating, which means no warning labels or access restrictions are required      
  • License-free operation worldwide eliminates the need for spectrum licensing or frequency planning      
  • Provides reliable performance using high performance lasers with a mean time between failures (MTBF) of one million (1,000,000) hours      
  • Lightweight, advanced industrial design includes an integrated optcalscope for ease of alignment and high/low power settings for optimized performance      
  • Design includes advanced laser delivery technology which maximizes availability while maintaining eye safety      
  • Includes built-in management functionality using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) version 1      
  • Power supplies and power cords included for easy installation 


  • Point-to-point Wireless Bridge      
  • Enterprise LAN and PBX extension      
  • WAN connection redundancy      
  • ISP remote POP      
  • ISP direct customer connections using point-to-point      
  • Extension of an existing fiber network 

Download the TeraOptic 4221e data sheet - PDF Version