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Our Coordinates: Lat 42.75 N, Long 71.85 W  

Products Licensed Microwave Radio Low/Medium IP and PDH Capacity 23 GHz Tsunami 100BaseT (Full-duplex 45 Mbps Licensed Microwave)

Tsunami 100 Mbps Licensed Wireless Ethernet Bridges
(100BaseT + 1xT1) 

The Tsunami wireless bridges provide full-duplex 100BaseT (Ethernet) connectivity under licensed regulations (Part 101). Under these regulations, these radio bridges require frequency coordination for line-of-sight connections. This Tsunami 100BaseT transports up to 45 Mbps full-duplex (wire-speed Ethernet) for data communications. In addition, it offers T1 connection alongside the Ethernet connection for direct PABX connectivity for combined voice and data WANs.

Additional services such as voice orderwire and auxiliary data are also provided. Tsunami wireless bridges provide high-speed connections that are more reliable than fiber or wire. These radios provide significant cost savings compared to leased-line connections and also allow fast and easy connections where wire or fiber access is impossible or too costly.


The Tsunami wireless bridges are ideal for backbone connections of ISPs and CLECs to establish new points of presence. They also may be used for spurs to connect direct enterprise customers to the PoP. Enterprises may connect WAN and PABX connections between campus locations using the Tsunami.

  • Full-duplex 100BaseT connections          
  • Wayside T1 included          
  • Frequency Range: (50MHz plan) 23 GHz: 21.2 — 23.6 GHz           
  • (Three options of 8 channel pairs)          
  • Compliant with FCC (United States) Part 101 Rules and ETSI 300 198          
  • Point-to-point communications from less than 1 mile to more than 5 miles          
  • Wide DC Power Input +/- 20 to +/- 63 VDC          
  • Wide operational temperature          
  • Built-in loopback, far-end monitoring and orderwire          
  • 2-year warranty

Download the 23 GHz Tsunami 100BaseT data sheet - PDF Version

Specifications and Ordering Information


Frequency Band

Digital Capacity

Threshold (BER=1x10-6)

Output Power (H/L)

System Gain


21.2 — 23.6 GHz

45 Mbps, full-duplex

-77 dBm

+23/17 dBm

100/94 dBm

Antenna Directly coupled
Antenna Connector WG Flange Integral
Maximum Receive Level -20 dBm, error free
Regulatory Compliance FCC Part 101 & ETSI 300 198

Data Interface
Digital Interface 100BaseTX (Cat 5)
100BaseFX (SC)
Compliance IEEE 802.3

Auxiliary Connections
Orderwire Handset 2-wire, RJ-11
VF Orderwire Bridge 600 ohm balanced, 4-wire, 0 dBm, DB25
Diagnostics Port RS-232/RS-422 (craft/TBOS), DB9
Aux Data Port RS-232/RS-422, (Clear Service Channel) </= 9600 baud, DB9
Alarm Port 2 Form C, 6 TTL, DB25
Test Points output power, near & far-end RSL
Wayside T1 (DS-1)

DC Power ±20 to ±63 Volts, <95 Watts
Optional AC Adapter 100-250 Volts, 50-60 Hz
Power Connector 6-pin barrier strip, plug in
Operational Temperature -30 to +60°C ODU
-5 to +50°C IDU
Humidity 0 to 95% non-condensing
Altitude 15,000 feet, maximum

Size (WxHxD)_ 17.2 x 3.5 x 14.5 inches (2RU) IDU & 8.0 x 10 x 4.5 inches (ODU)
Weight IDU 6.7 pounds & ODU 11.4 pounds
19-inch EIA rack mount, 2-unit height (mounting brackets supplied)


Ordering Information

System # (from list above)
XX = Channel option
P = Optional power supply
SS = Antenna size

Channel Options
A1/A2 21225 — 22675 / 22425 — 22775 MHz
B1/B2 21525 — 22975 / 22825 — 23175 MHz
C1/C2 21825 — 23275 / 23225 — 23575 MHz

AC/DC Adapter Option Available

Available Antenna Sizes: 1, 1.5, 2 , 2.5, 4 or 6-foot

Specifications subject to change without notice.