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Our Coordinates: Lat 42.75 N, Long 71.85 W  

AirPair Enterprise / Campus

The private customer market in attempts to trim expenses and enhance communications capabilities continuously seeks new vehicles to improve efficiencies

With high speed service not available in many regions or commanding very high tariffs AirPair offers a tremendous advantage to both own and control the networking technology. The option of interconnecting two distant locations via a 200 Mbps connection appears from an IT perspective as if the remote location is imbedded into the local network. Low latency of under .5 ms enables time-sensitive voice over IP service. Additionally, T1/E1 services are supported for legacy applications. 

AirPair Enterprise Campus Diagram_0106

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The AirPair Flex enables low cost entry into new markets, without compromising scalability. As bandwidth scales, the AirPair can be remotely upgraded via software, allowing Capex to scale with business growth.

Applications which are well suited for AirPair include:

  • High speed LAN extension   
  • VoIP transport   
  • Client Server application which require high performance low latency   
  • Remote storage and back up   
  • Video conferencing and aggregation into a single WAN connection   
  • TDM T1/E1 service extension   
  • Network hardening and infrastructure redundancy 

Solution Features


  • Remote, Simple Scalability using AirPair Flex   
  • Rapid Deployment using unlicensed spectrum   
  • T1/E1 and Ethernet service support   
  • All Outdoor deployment option   
  • Ultra-Low latency supporting VOIP applications 

Solution Benefits


  • Legacy TDM Support   
  • Native Ethernet and TDM support   
  • Rapid Deployment   
  • User definable availability   
  • Simple scalability 



Download the Enterprise / Campus data sheet - PDF Version