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Our Coordinates: Lat 42.75 N, Long 71.85 W  


The Wireless VoIP Solution allows the transmission of voice communications over Airlinx’s broadband wireless access systems with carrier class Quality of Service (QoS). The Wireless VoIP Solution provides an extremely competitive economic alternative to traditional wired service for voice traffic, particularly in underserved areas and developing countries, and is an excellent solution to allow competitive local exchange carriers to avoid leased line charges to incumbent carriers.

For competitive carriers or enterpise customers, the VoIP solution provides cost effective alternative to traditional wireline service for voice traffic.


  • Provides a flexible, engineered solution which means reduced effort and risk for the customer    
  • Provides attractive cost savings for Enterprise customer    
  • Service Provider can widen service offerings and increase revenue.


  • Engineered VoIP is simple & cost effective    
  • We provide a full featured “end to end” solution    
  • VoIP solution allows mix of voice and data traffic on IP networks    
  • Easily integrates with existing PBXs    
  • Features QoS to ensure carrier-grade service at all times    
  • Up to 4800 business subscribers or 7200 residential subscribers per cell site


  • Enterprise    
  • Service Provider