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Products Wireless Local Loop (WLL) Continuity Accessories

Continuity Program - Seamless Transition to WiMAX

We have delivered thousands of W-OFDM systems to customers worldwide. In the coming years, the broadband wireless access industry will undergo a transition to WiMAX based solutions. We are committed to our customers and have put the Continuity Program in place to ensure a solid transition to WiMAX broadband wireless solutions. It allows our customers to benefit from W-OFDM performance today and migrate to WiMAX in the future. The Continuity Program is one of a kind within the wireless industry and is only possible because of our leadership in bringing W-OFDM to the world.

Continuity Program™

What the world is saying about the WiMAX standard:

“The most important thing since the Internet itself”

“Top 10 technologies to watch” 
Telephony online

“WiMAX enables wireless networks to extend as far as 30 miles and transfer data, voice, and video at faster speeds than cable or DSL.”
David Pescovitz
10 technologies to watch in 2004

“WiMAX ….. has the potential to be as universal as television, and the power to span the world.”
Matt Loney
Most Promising Technology of the Year Award

The importance of WiMAX, the world’s first Universal Wireless Standard, is well understood but having a clear path to the standards is just as important

Our Continuity Program provides

  • Standards Based W-OFDM Performance today     
  • Clear Path to the Standards     
  • Risk Free Migration strategy     
  • Investment protection     
  • Proven Future Proof Solution 

History shows that when new standards are created then there is a lot of buzz and expectation and a lot of marketing noise about standards based products being available “soon”. Again history has shown that “soon” is often delayed until “later” or “much later”. High expectations turn into disappointment and frustration.

The Continuity Program shows our clear path to the standards. Customers can purchase Libra products today and be confident that their investment will be protected when WiMAX products become available.