We supply advanced multi-platform SNMP management applications to configure, manage and monitor all deployed our units. The management applications provide Configuration, Security and Fault, and Performance Monitoring. BreezeVIEW manages the BreezeNET products, BreezeMANAGE manages the BreezeACCESS product lines, while WALKnet manages the WALKair products, all operating on a single platform.
All network management applications are equipped with a versatile graphics-based user interface, providing a powerful set of tools for configuring, controlling, monitoring and effectively managing BreezeNET, BreezeACCESS, and WALKair based broadband wireless access networks.
Service providers benefit from an end-to-end management approach, and enjoy ease of configuration, simplified troubleshooting and superior network performance, all from a single, central network management station.
In response to CERT® Advisory CA-2002-03 regarding multiple vulnerabilities in many implementations of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), we performed a varied and thorough set of tests on its BreezeACCESS and WALKair products. The tests performed are the ones recommended by the PROTOS project paper.
Following these tests, we found no denial of service, memory corruption, stack corruption or other fatal error conditions in its BreezeACCESS and WALKair products.
In addition, BreezeACCESS and WALKair products implement the following additional security measures which are recommended by the PROTOS project report:
1. Perimeter filtering to SNMP traffic.
2. SNMP device based network access control to filter the traffic.
3. Isolation of SNMP traffic into a separate management VLAN (applicable for BreezeACCESS II, XL and MMDS).
BreezeACCESS Management
Network management solution for monitoring and managing the BreezeACCESS network from a central location.

WALKair Management
Network management solution for monitoring and managing the WALKair network from a central location.

eMGW Management
Local, regional and central network management solution for monitoring and managing eMGW networks.