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Many service providers rely on SONET fiber networks to satisfy their customers' demand for greater speed, superior quality of service (QOS) and lower transport costs. To realize the advantages of SONET, however, you need access solutions at the network edge that enable easy, cost-effective, reliable delivery of T1 tariffed services.

Telco Systems' TDM product family enables service providers to more efficiently deliver T1 services from their core transport systems and deliver voice and data over the last-mile. The wide range of product families includes distribution hubs, multiplexers, digital cross connects, multi service IADs, E/O converters and transport terminals. The family includes an optical SONET edge solution that allows service providers to deliver traditional T1, T3, and Ethernet services over an OC-3 fiber feed via virtual concatenation (VC), without the wasted bandwidth found with traditional Packet over SONET (PoS) offerings.


EdgeLink100 T1E1 sm_1206

EdgeLink100 T1/E1
DS3 Multiplexer

EdgeLink100XT Optical sm_1206

EdgeLink100XT Optical
DS3 Hardened Multiplexer With DS3 Optics Capacity

EdgeLink100XT Electrical sm_1206

EdgeLink100XT Electrical
DS3Hardened Multiplexer

EdgeLinkSTST1 sm_1206

SONET STS-1 to T1 Multiplexer

EdgeLink OTM1000 sm_1206

EdgeLink OTM1000
OC-3 Terminal Multiplexer

EdgeLink Hub sm_1206

EdgeLink Hub
M13 Distribution Hub


EdgeLinkSTST1 sm_1206

SONET STS-1 to T1 Multiplexer

EdgeLink OTM1000 sm_1206

EdgeLink OTM1000
OC-3 Terminal Multiplexer

EdgeLink Hub sm_1206

EdgeLink Hub
M13 Distribution Hub

Digital Cross Connects

EdgeLink410 sm_1206

Compact Digital Cross-Connect Switch

EdgeLink810 sm_1206

Compact T1 Digital Cross Connect Switch

Multi-service IAD

Access60 sm_1206

T1/E1 Integrated Access

E/O Converters

EdgeLink-T3-EO sm_1206EdgeLink-T3-E/O
DS3 Fiber Transport Terminal

EdgeLink-T1E1-EO sm_1206EdgeLink-T1/E1-E/O
T1/E1-E/O Fiber Transport Terminal

Metrobility R105 sm_1206

Metrobility R105
T1/E1 Interface Devices