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Broadmore Platform

Broadmore Platform_1206

Securely Provision Circuits at the Optical Edge

The Broadmore® product family provides TDM-to-ATM circuit conversion for cost-efficient transport of traditional services across ATM networks. Designed to meet the specific needs of government customers, the Broadmore offers network reliability and service availability while simplifying operations and management under strict security requirements. By offering a uniquely economical means of provisioning, grooming and routing DS3, DS1, E3, E1 and high-speed serial data circuits using logical ATM connections, the cost and complexities of equipping and managing SONET and Digital Cross-Connect (DCS) circuits are replaced by the speed, capacity and cost improvements of ATM circuit provisioning. Its variety of service and network interfaces, including a High-speed Serial Interface (HSSI), enables the Broadmore to provide serial transport of ATM voice and data over SATCOM links, microwave, or other fixed wireless deployments where DS1, DS3, OC-3c, or OC-12c network interfaces are not an option. 

Looking for a replacement for the Timeplex Cell Exchange, Link2 and Synchrony series of cell muxes?

The Broadmore is the only cell mux that transports serial data (RS-530/RS-422) over ATM networks and supports SNMP v3, is JITC certified and carries the FIPS-140-2 and Common Criteria certifications meeting DoD Directives 8500.1 & 8500.2!

The Broadmore Platform is Common Criteria EAL-3 Validated.