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Products ATM Muxes & Channel Banks ATM Muxes & Switches CCF Modular Copper Converter for Fractional E1/T1
CCF | Modular Copper Converter for Fractional E1/T1

Fractional data transmission via copper lines with flexible interface modules 

CCF Mod Copper Converter Fract E1T1_1106 

Product Specifications:

  • Data transmission via fractional or unframed E1/T1 lines of up to 2 km
  • Interface data rate adjustable in steps of n x 64 kbps up to
    2048 kbps
  • Selectable V.35, X.21, Ethernet Bridge (supporting VLAN and auto-sensing), G.703/G.704 (E1) (on-board only)
  • Remote flash software update
  • Local and remote loopback, BER-test and performance monitoring at line and interface ports
  • Data rate: n x 64 kbps up to 2048 kbps
  • Modular design with interchangeable X.21, V.or Ethernet user interface
  • Optional G.703/G.704 on-board user interface to enable repeater functionality
  • VT100, Telnet or SNMP management options
  • Remote inband management
  • Performance monitoring for G.703/G.704 ports
  • Available as rack mount card (3U) or as standalone unit

CCF Mod Copper Conv Fract E1T1 Diagram_1106