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Products ATM Muxes & Channel Banks Channel Banks Wide Bank 28 DS3 Multiplexer

Wide Bank™ 28 DS3 Access Multiplexer

Product Overview

The Wide Bank 28 DS3 Access Multiplexer brings standards-based M13 multiplexing up to date. The Wide Bank 28 replaces a rack full of bulky, old generation equipment in a one rack unit space. Software-based, hitless DS3 network protection, T1/E1 Network Interface Units (NIUs), and Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT) are built in. In fact, the Wide Bank 28 can isolate and test 28 individual T1 circuits or 21 individual E1 circuit, DS3 connections, and internal electronics quickly and dependably, and monitor them through SNMP TL1 or Telnet management.

Advanced Remote Management

The Wide Bank 28 is the first M1-3 multiplexer to offer Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The standards-based embedded SNMP agent enables users to integrate control of the unit with popular SNMP management systems, using a direct Ethernet (10BT) connection. A Command Line Interface (CLI) provides remote management via Telnet or local management using RS-232. In addition to that, an Enterprise SNMP MIB is provided that can be browsed using HP Open View Browser.

The Wide Bank 28's integrated Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT) capabilities automatically self-test internal data paths. Loopback and BERT functions provide DS3, DSX-1 and E1 line testing. DS3, DSX-1 and E1 statistics monitor network and drop connections. Individual DSX-1/E1 interfaces may be electronically replaced through remote terminal management. Built-in tests differentiate electronic vs. network errors. The need to physically replace cards or set switches in order to isolate equipment versus line problems is a thing of the past.  

Modular Design Matches Growing Access Requirements 

The Wide Bank 28 accommodates up to seven Quad Digital Signal Cross Connect Level 1 (DSX-1) interface cards, for a maximum of 28 T1 connections or up to 7 three port Digital Signal Level 1E (DSX-1E). Cards can be quickly added to meet bandwidth requirements. An identical spare Quad DSX-1/DSX-1E card provides software-controlled electronic redundancy.

NEBS-Level 3 Certified 

The Wide Bank 28 is certified for Network Equipment Building Standards (NEBS) level 3 criteria, which qualifies it for installation in the central office, co-locations and installations requiring NEBS-approved equipment according to: 

Bellcore® GR-63, NEBS Requirements: Physical Protection - Level 3 (earthquake for Zone 4)

Bellcore® GR-1089, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electric Safety-Generic Criteria for Network Telecommunications Equipment - Equipment Type 2 or 4 

Wide Bank 28 Features and Advantages

Modular design

Maximum of 8 quad DSX-1/DSX-1E cards supporting from 4 to 28 DSX-1 connections or 3 to 21 E1 and 3 spare E1 interfaces and 4 spare DSX-1 Interfaces

DS3 path protection option


Electronics and DS3 path protection, or electronic protection only

DSX-1 electronic redundancy

Protects DSX-1 channels and allows individual T1 circuit fault isolation

DSX-1E electronic redundancy

Protects DSX-1E channels and allows individual T1 circuit fault isolation

Advanced diagnostics

Built-in automatic self-tests for internal circuitry

Built-in BERT & Loopbacks

Line versus equipment fault isolation reduces the need for external test equipment

T1/E1 NIU functionality

Eliminates additional equipment costs and installation labor