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Products Voice & Video-over-IP

Voice & Video-over-IP

In a world marked by rapid communication, growing globalization, and increasing mobility, even an army of surveillance personnel cannot keep an eye on all of the potential risks.

To be of real value, video surveillance solutions must deliver the right intelligence at the right time about what matters most - actionable intelligence for protecting property, lives, and assets.

Our Video Solutions

  • capture, retain, and analyze video images according to specific criteria and behavioral triggers     
  • integrate with security, tracking and enterprise systems     
  • issue automatic alerts about exceptional events     
  • manage video for a single location or multi-building campus 

And our Video Solutions can deliver this actionable intelligence whenever and wherever it is needed - instantly pushing video images to the people who need to see them and making them readily accessible via your secure IT network.

Airlinx’s full suite of digital video solutions address the needs of every public facility, transportation, and commercial organization. And for securing outdoor areas, we offer video-over-IP solutions designed to be highly durable, reliable and secure with the same breadth of functionality as our solutions for wired CCTV.

The right information delivered to the right people at the right time — in real time. That’s how our Video Solutions helps government and commerce protect people, property, and the bottom line. 

SmartSight Solutions Overview

Capture Video Virtually Anywhere with SmartSight Solutions

SmartSight Ethernet Video Servers and Wireless Video Transmitters provide robust functionality in both wired and wireless environments, with high quality images, powerful analytics, and the security of SSL-based authentication and AES encryption. 

These robust, enterprise-class solutions enable you to capture video virtually anywhere, transmit video images using standard Ethernet or IP connections, and cost-effectively add cameras and locations. You can remotely configure your SmartSight Ethernet Video Servers and Wireless Video Transmitters with Loronix Video Manager, for enhanced control of your entire video network. 

Certified for compliance with a wide range of government regulations, SmartSight Ethernet Video Servers and Wireless Transmitters are built on open standards for flexible deployment. SmartSight Ethernet Video Servers, Wireless Video Transmitters,and Wireless Bridges provide robust functionality and anywhere/anytime flexibility to ensure that the video intelligence you need is always at hand. 

Download the Nextiva Edge Device data sheet - PDF Version

Voice & Video-over-IP