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CDQPrima Application Notes     

  1. Broadcast monaural audio to as many as six locations
  2. Broadcast stereo audio to as many as three locations
  3. Broadcast stereo audio to as many as six locations
  4. Have your PRIMA dial when audio starts and hang-up when audio ends
  5. Automatically detect the incoming call algorithm, mode and line format  
  6. Automatically detect the incoming call line format
  7. Automatically change Layer 3 line formats in the event of a service interruption
  8. Use your CDQPrima as a full fidelity STL
  9. Use your CDQPrima as an automatic, full fidelity backup STL over ISDN
  10. Use your CDQPrima to control audio equipment at a remote location
  11. Full control of near and far end CDQPrima units from a PC
  12. Using one codec to send two independent audio programs to two or more locations
  13. Use your Prima's ancillary data path for real-time teleprompting