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CDQPrima Application Note #2

Application: Broadcast 20 kHz stereo audio to as many as three locations:

With any CDQPrima 200 Series codec, you can easily send 20 kHz stereo at 128 kb/s to as many as three locations simultaneously. In addition, you can also monitor the same quality of return audio form any one of the remote locations. You can even switch between the remote locations at any time.

CDQPrima Application Note 2_0904 
Here's what you need at the broadcast side:
  • Any 200 Series CDQPrima codec.
  • Three ISDN terminal adapters. These could be any of the CDQPrima's internal ISDN terminal adapters, or any external terminal adapter you choose.
  • Three ISDN BRI lines, for a total of 6 ISDN 'B' channels.

Here's what you need at each far end location:

  • Any MPEG Layer II compatible codec with 128 kb/s joint stereo capability, such as our Model CDQ2000, CDQ2003, or CDQPrima.
  • ISDN accessibility.

Here's how to do it:

  • Set all the remote locations to 128 kb/s, joint stereo, 48 kHz sampling, two line operation.
  • Set the broadcast encoder to 128 kb/s, joint stereo, 48 kHz sampling, two line operation, and select lines 1 and 4. Set the decoder to independent, two line operation, and select lines 1 and 4.
  • Dial the first location using lines 1 and 4. Dial the second location using lines 2 and 5. Dial the third location using lines 3 and 6.
  • You can monitor the return audio from any one of the three far end locations by simply changing the decoder line format to the lines you wish to monitor.