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CDQPrima Application Note #4

Application: Have your PRIMA dial when audio starts and hang-up when audio ends

With any CQDPrima model with an internal terminal adapter, you can easily configure your CQDPrima to establish a connection automatically as soon as audio is present. In addition, the CQDPrima will also hang-up after a pre-determined period of silence. You no longer need to push buttons to configure and dial your audio codec...just add audio!

Here's how to do it:
  • Create a quiet detector and select a time-out duration.
  • Define two virtual actions, one to configure and dial, one to hang-up.
  • Define two event-to-action statements.

Here's an example:

When audio is applied to the CQDPrima, it will establish a connection to another codec. After the session is over, the CQDPrima will terminate the connection. Since the connection process is not instantaneous, I need an audio tone feeding the CQDPrima for a minute before the session is to start.

  • Set up one of the six available 'quiet detectors'. The quiet detector state is 'TRUE' when input audio level is below a threshold I define for a period of time I also define. In this case, I set up the encoder (left and right) quiet detector (E) to be 'TRUE' after 10 seconds of -70 dB or less (you can make it as long as you wish). Although terminal commands are shown here, it is just as easy to use the built-in keypad.
MQL E -70
MQT E 100
  • Create a 'Virtual Action' (CVA) to speed dial (CSD) another codec. Speed dial entries contain all encoder and decoder configuration parameters as well as the phone numbers. The CQDPrima can automatically configure and dial with a single command. In this case, the command is a self-executing virtual action.
  • CVA 0 CSD xx        where xx is the speed dial ID number
    • Create another 'Virtual Action' to hang-up (CHU) the connection when done.
    • CVA 1 CHU ALL
      • Finally, define the controlling event-to-action logic, remembering that the 'NOT' of a 'quiet detector' (!SE) is an 'audio detector'.
      • CEA VA0 +!SE
        CEA VA1 +SE