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CDQPrima Application Note #7

Application: Your CDQPrima can automatically change Layer 3 line formats in the event of a service interruption to help keep you on the air.

Some Layer 2 codecs can sense when there is a line failure and automatically drop back to a lower bit rate and bandwidth. No codec on the market can do this when using Layer 3… Until Now!

Using the power of Prima Logic Language, you can program any CDQPrima model to automatically fall back to a single ISDN 'B' channel and a lower bit rate should a line fail when using Layer 3. In addition, this function is automatic, requiring no intervention once programmed. The example shown here illustrates just how easy it is.

Here's how to do it:

  • Create three Quick Configurations for the algorithm setups — 2-line, line 1 only and line 2 only.
  • Define virtual actions to load the selected configurations.
  • Define event-to-action statements to determine the number of connected lines and execute the appropriate Quick Configuration.
  1. Create three Quick Configurations as follows:

    Encoder/decoder algorithm:MPEGL3
       Encoder/decoder bit rate:112 or 128 kb/s (use the highest available for your connection)
       Encoder Sample rate:32 or 48 kHz 
       Encoder algorithm mode:Joint stereo
       Encoder/decoder line format:CCSL12
       Decoder independent:YES
    CDQPrima returns ID number xx when this configuration is entered

    Encoder/decoder algorithm:MPEGL3
       Encoder/decoder bit rate:56 or 64 kb/s (use the highest available for your connection)
       Encoder Sample rate:32 or 48 kHz 
       Encoder algorithm mode:Mono
       Encoder/decoder line format:1 line, line 1
       Decoder independent:YES

    CDQPrima returns ID number xx when this configuration is entered

    Encoder/decoder algorithm:MPEGL3
       Encoder/decoder bit rate:56 or 64 kb/s (use the highest available for your connection)
       Encoder Sample rate:32 or 48 kHz 
       Encoder algorithm mode:Mono
       Encoder/decoder line format:1 line, line 2
       Decoder independent:YES

     returns ID number xx when this configuration is entered

  2. Set up 4 Virtual Actions as follows:

    CVA 0 CSD xx Load Quick Configuration xx, 2-line, lines 1 & 2. 
    CVA 1 CSD yy; DAL MPEGL3 Load Quick Configuration yy, 1 line, line 1. Set decoder algorithm to Layer 3. 
    CVA 2 CSD zz; DAL MPEGL3Load Quick Configuration zz, 1 line, line 2. Set decoder algorithm to Layer 3.
    CVA 3 CTM 0 3Start a 3-second timer for delayed start. 

  3. Set the following Event-to-Action Logic to determine which Virtual Action to execute:

    CEA VA0 +(CD1 & CD2) Execute VA0 when connected on 2 lines. 
    CEA VA1 +(CD1 & !CD2 & !TI0) Execute VA1 when only line 2 is connected and the timer is not running. 
    CEA VA2 +(!CD1 & CD2 & !TI0) Execute VA2 when only line 1 is connected and the timer is not running. 
    CEA VA3 +(CD1 & CD2 & FRAMED) Execute VA3 when both lines connect and framed. 
In the above Event-to-Action logic statements you can add the condition & CI1 to allow you to turn the function on and off using the CUE 1 button on your CDQPrima 120, 220 and 230 models.

Here's how these 8 lines work:

  • If 2 lines are connected, load the 2-line configuration.
  • If only one line connects, or if any line drops, load the appropriate single line configuration.. 
  • A timer is used to delay the start of the routine until the CDQPrima is framed.
NOTES:Unlike Layer 2, which will 'fall back' instantly when a line drops, there will be several seconds of muted audio as Layer 3 falls back. This, however, is better that no audio at all. Both codecs must be CDQPrima models, and both codecs must be programmed for this capability.

CDQPrima is the world's only codec with Prima Logic Language, a powerful command language that lets you program your CDQPrima for a wide variety of automatic functions. We're happy to help you get the most from your CDQPrima.