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CDQPrima Application Note #11

Application: Full control of near and far end CDQPrima units, plus remote equipment from a PC.

Using the local and far-end remote control capabilities of all CDQPrima Models, combined with CDQPrima's ancillary data capabilities, you can control not only both CDQPrima units, but other equipment that is connected to them, such as audio routers, CD players and DAT recorders.

CDQPrima Application Note 11_0904 

Minimum System Requirements:

Any model CDQPrima codec at both locations.
         —Any PC with one RS232 port running DOS or Windows.

This minimum system allows near and far end Prima control and control of a single external device through RS232 data interface. These remote control features are in addition to the other automatic control features, such as dial on audio/hang-up on silence.

Optional System Requirements:

Optional Opto-Relay card for Prima codecs.
         —Second RS232 port on PC.

This optional system allows near and far end Prima control, control of an external device through the RS232 data interface and control of external devices with wired remote controls.