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CDQPrima Application Note #13

Application: Use your Prima's ancillary data path for real-time teleprompting.

  • Your voice talent is working from home. You're working at your studio. You have a deadline, and the producer has just changed the copy. No problem!

  • Your sportscaster needs to communicate with you while he's on-air. He can't wait for the next commercial break. No problem!
  • With CDQPrima's RS232 ancillary data, all you need is a terminal or PC at the studio and one at the announcer's location, and you can have two-way, real-time data communications. Use this for teleprompting and you no longer have to stop the session to fax the new copy. You can send messages back and forth, in real time! No fancy hardware or special software is required. Any terminal or terminal emulation program will work.

    Here's how:

    Connect a terminal or PC (running a terminal emulation program such as Procomm Plus or Hyperterminal) to your Prima's ancillary data port using a C1700 cable. Set the Prima's ancillary data mode to MUX, set the MUX rate to match the PC's baud rate and set the Prima's DSP rate to the next highest rate. Configure both ends the same way, and you're done!

    The ancillary data channel supports 300, 1200, 2400, 9600 and 19200 baud rates. 38,400 bps is also available, but other ancillary data functions cannot be supported when this rate is used. To maintain the best possible audio performance, the required bits are taken from the audio data only when data is actually present.