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IntelliPrima Windows Remote Control

Intelli Prima_0904

Intelligent Windows PC Remote control software for the CDQ Prima range of ISDN audio codecs

  • Intuitive Windows PC remote control software for your CDQPrima
  • Onscreen phonebook stores unlimited entries - and can import speed dials direct from your CDQPrima
  • Audio/Visual alerts of incoming connections
  • Auto-detects MPEG L2/G.722 calls and reconfigures CDQPrima for bitrate, samplerate etc.
  • Instant access to Encoder/Decoder settings from main screen  


    • Shows line status of 2, 4 or 6 channels (depending on number of TA's installed)    
    • Provides audio/visual alerts of incoming connections - ideal for busy studios    
    • Shows quick info on speeddials in main screen


    • Designed to be intuitive for broadcast and pro-audio users     
    • Phonebook with unlimited entries -  alphabetically sorted - and allows direct import of existing speeddials from CDQPrima     
    • Phonebooks can be exchanged/imported between users on floppy or via e-mail     
    • Runs on a standard PC connected via serial port to Prima No more fiddling with those little buttons!

    Intelli Prima_2_0904

    Artificial Prima Intelligence:

    • Detects number of incoming lines and sets bitrate, samplerate and protocol for MPEG Layer 2 and G.722    
    • Allows instant access to encoder/decoder settings using 'Detail' button    
    • Sends identification text message to remote CDQ Prima, when equipped with VU meters

    Adding an entry is as simple as this...

    Intelli Prima_3_0904

    IntelliPRIMA automatically selects the line format and helps you through the other settings.

    With the detailed view, you can change the encoder & decoder settings directly - even during connections...

    Intelli Prima_4_0904

    Of course IntelliPRIMA tries to helpby changing samplerates and bitrates to match.

    IntelliPRIMA uses a standard CDQ Prima-to-PC serial connection lead
    This is NOT a standard RS232 cable!

    If you don't already have one of these, you can make your own or order one from us.

    If you plan on making your own, you should note that the pin-outs on the CDQ Prima are not standard RS232 connections. The correct format for the cable is shown on this page.

    CDQ Prima
    (requires DB9M connector) 

    DB9M connector_0904

    Pin 4 RxD
    Pin 9 TxD
    Pin 5 Gnd

    (requires DB9F or DB25F connector)

    25 Pin Female
    DB9F or DB25F connector_0904

    Pin 2 TxD
    Pin 3 RxD
    Pin 7 Gnd

    9 Pin Female
    DB9F or DB25F connector_2_0904 

    Pin 3 TxD
    Pin 2 RxD
    Pin 5 Gnd

    Connect cables following the colour code shown - i.e. blue-blue, red-red and green-green.