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AudioTX Communicator for Windows 98/NT/2000 

Software ISDN Audio Codec for PC - Software Audio over Network for PC
Software Audio over DSL, ADSL and Internet

  A broadcast quality ISDN Audio Codec with MPEGL2, MPEGL3, G.722 & G.711 
  • Use any Laptop or PC to connect to a standard ISDN codec 
  • Only standard PC Sound and ISDN cards needed 
  • Lowest ever coding delay - shorter than most ISDN codecs! 
  • Incredibly high-quality audio transmission 

BUT ALSO The world's first IP audio codec with ADSL, DSL, Cable Modem, IP and ATM 

  • Live audio over the Internet using ADSL, DSL, Cable Modem or leased lines 
  • Connect across IP networks like Ethernet - link studios or workstations across your organization 
  • Or use global ATM networks to deliver live broadcast-quality audio reliably and cost-effectively 

AudioTX ISDN Audio Codec functionality is compatible with all other manufacturers' ISDN codecs which support MPEG 2, MPEG 3, G.722, or G.711 coding. 

Click here for product FAQ.

Sound and ISDN cards - Tested hardware and guidelines:

Communicator is designed to work with ANY PC sound card and any ISDN TA which fully meets the CAPI 2.0 specification.

Use the information in this section, to help guide you in making your choice. 

On this page we have provided information to help you choose the right Audio and ISDN cards to use with Communicator - or check if your existing hardware will work OK. Most of it will! 

You'll also find here lists of both Audio and ISDN cards that we have tested with Communicator and our comments.

We are able to offer for sale a selection of both Audio and ISDN cards - for these cards, a link to the product summary is shown in each table. 

Any comments we make about specific products are drawn from our experience and testing only. We do not make, and you should not draw, any specific judgment (good or bad) or guarantees about a product's quality or functionality other than from the data gathered during our testing. 

Audio Cards 

Communicator will work with almost any Windows compatible sound card that you have installed in your machine. However, some cards will limit the functionality of the program as follows:

  • The card must support full-duplex audio - i.e. be able to play and record at the same time... most audio cards do this and you only need to check this for really old models. Check that the card operates at a decent sample rate - 44.1kHz is fine and 48kHz is ideal.     
  • The card should be capable of decent quality recording and playback - obviously if you hear a hiss or crackle when you record and or playback audio, or if the sound quality of the card is poor, then this will be reflected in Communicator's performance using that card.     
  • Firewire, USB, PCMCIA, PCI and ISA cards are all fine as long as they meet these basic criterion above.     
  • We have observed that using certain USB cards and only on some machines, you need to fully boot the PC before plugging in the USB card - this is generally true for the card, rather than being a specific Communicator issue. 

Tested Audio cards:
(Additional product data is provided on the cards that we are able to supply direct (top of list) - click the card name for more. An explanation of our ratings and comments is provided following the table.)

Audio CardTypeAudio
Marc Two
ExcellentYes/Great choice for any studio quality application. Digital i/o. 
Echo Mia
ExcellentYes/Great choice for any studio quality application. Digital i/o. Balanced i/o. Win 98 drivers only at time of writing.
USB One 

Very Good 

Mic input

Yes/The best option for a laptop if you have a USB facility.
USB requires Win 98 or Win 2000.
Aardvark Direct Pro 24/96


Mic pre-amps, phantom power & headphone socket built-in 

Yes/Great choice for any studio quality application. Mic pre-amps and phantom powering built-in... so you can connect microphone and headphones directly without a mixing desk. Multiple ins and outs (4x6), digital i/o (1x1). Balanced i/o.
Win 98 drivers only at time of writing.
Aardvark aark 24
ExcellentYes/Great choice for any studio quality application. Multiple ins and outs (8x8), digital i/o (1x1). Balanced i/o
Drivers only available for Win 98 at time of writing.
Aardvark Direct Pro LX6
ExcellentYes/Great choice for any studio quality application. Multiple ins and outs (4x6), digital i/o (1x1). Balanced i/o.
Drivers only available for Win 98 at time of writing.
Aardvark aark 20/20 & 20/20+
ExcellentYes/Great choice for any studio quality application. Multiple ins and outs (8x8), digital i/o (1x1). Balanced i/o.
Drivers only available for Win 98 at time of writing.
Aardvark Direct Pro Q10


Mic pre-amps & phantom power

Yes/Great choice for any studio quality application. Mic pre-amps and phantom powering built-in. Multiple ins and outs (8x8), digital i/o (1x1). Balanced i/o.
Drivers only available for Win 98 at time of writing.
Echo Darla & Gina
ExcellentYes/As Echo Mia above. Multiple outputs (8). Gina has digital i/o. Balanced i/o. 
Echo Layla 
ExcellentYes/As Echo Mia above. Multiple ins and outs (8x8), digital i/o (1x1). Balanced i/o.
SoundBlaster Live! range
(1024, value, player etc)
GoodYes/The best of all the low cost cards - good audio quality and fine for newsgathering level broadcast applications.
SoundBlaster Live 5.1 range (5.1, Platinum 5.1 etc)
GoodYes/The best of all the low cost cards - good audio quality and fine for newsgathering level broadcast applications.
SoundBlaster PCI 128
AcceptableGood enough for reporter level use. Cannot properly mute audio input on audio output... so not suitable for studio applications where a clean feed is required.
SoundBlaster AWE32/64 
No/Drops to 8 bit operation in duplex mode. 44.1kHz max sample rate - NOT SUITABLE.
SoundBlaster 16 
  -No/No full-duplex mode - NOT SUITABLE.
Audio quality


 - Mastering quality... as good as they come
Very Good
 - Broadcast (studio) quality
 - near studio quality
 - semi-professional card but not studio quality - fine for reporting
 - useable for reporting... not brilliant though
 - Sounds like a cheap PC soundcard.

ISDN Cards

Communicator requires an ISDN card which fully meets the CAPI 2.0 specification. Unfortunately, our testing reveals that not all cards which claim to meet this specification actually do. The following is a list of cards that we have tested and know to work without any problems. If you discover other widely available cards that work reliably, we'd love to hear from you!

In choosing an ISDN card for use in your own country, you should check what 'switch protocol' your ISDN line provider uses. Here are a list with current country indications:

It's easier than it looks - basically, European countries mainly use DSS1 as do most of Asia, Middle East, South America, Australia. In the USA, NI-1 or 5ESS are most often found. The others in the list are rarely used but included for completeness.

  • DSS1 Euro-ISDN (Europe, Asia, S. America, Middle East, Australia OnRamp)     
  • NI-1 (North America National ISDN1)     
  • 5ESS (North America AT&T)     
  • 1TR6 (Germany, where not DSS1 - mainly PBX's)     
  • INS Net 64 (Japan)     
  • VN3 (France, where not DSS1)     
  • CTI (Belgium, where not DSS1)     
  • TPH 1962 (Australia MicroLink) 

Tested ISDN cards:
(Additional product data is provided on the cards that we are able to supply direct - click the card name for more.)

ISDN CardTypeRecommended/Comments & switch protocols
Euro-ISDN (DSS1), NI-1, 5ESS, 1TR6
Yes. USB is the best option for a laptop if you have a USB port. USB requires Win 98 or Win 2000.
Euro-ISDN (DSS1), NI-1, 5ESS, 1TR6 
Yes. Best option for laptops without USB or when you are using a single USB port for a sound card.
Euro-ISDN (DSS1), NI-1, 5ESS, 1TR6 
Yes. All other AVM cards also compatible but more expensive
Euro-ISDN (DSS1), NI-1, 5ESS, 1TR6 
Eicon Diva PCI
Euro-ISDN (DSS1), NI-1, 5ESS, INS-Net 64, TPH 1962
Eicon Diva USB
Yes. USB is the best option for a laptop if you have a USB port. USB requires Win 98 or Win 2000.
Euro-ISDN (DSS1), NI-1, 5ESS, 1TR6, INS Net 64, VN3, CTI, TPH 1962
Eicon Diva Pro PCMCIA
Yes. More expensive than AVM Fritz PCMCIA option, but still an excellent choice.
Euro-ISDN (DSS1), NI-1, 5ESS, 1TR6, INS Net 64, VN3, TPH 1962
Eicon Diva Pro PCI
Yes. Expensive but works fine.
Euro-ISDN (DSS1), NI-1, 5ESS, 1TR6, INS Net 64, VN3, TPH 1962
BT Speedway
Yes. (OEM Version of AVM Fritz PCI)
BT Speedway PCMCIA
Yes. ( OEM Version of AVM Fritz PCMCIA)

Network Hardware:

Private & local area networks, ATM, leased lines etc:

There are no specific recommendations on choosing your network hardware. This is because communicator simply uses the networking system on your PC. Any Ethernet, Fast Ethernet or larger scale networking hardware are all fine as long as they are a part of the standard Windows networking or office/broadcast network installed on your PC.

Communicator simply attempts to make a network connection via TCP (the standard IP protocol) to the computer you specify. You can enter this as an IP address directly, or if you specify a name, the program will use the DNS setup on your own PC or network to attempt to resolve the name.

Internet and public networks:

Communicator uses a simple IP connection as above to establish contact with the remote PC - so for most ADSL, DSL or Cable Modem connections running on your PC, all you need to do is supply an IP address to connect to. If you use a proxy server, it needs to be SOCKS compatible and you will need to install a SOCKS proxy client on the PC running Communicator.