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Storage Solutions Overview

Intelligently Store Video for Secure and Ready Access

Loronix Video Manager optionally includes our Enterprise Storage Manager (ESM) to optimize storage device use and ensure secure and rapid video access. This high-performance, fault-tolerant software solution enables you to store video images using your existing storage infrastructure and industry-standard storage technologies (fibre channel, SCSI, SAN, NAS, etc.), and manage video storage according to your enterprise data storage policies.

With ESM, you can store video images redundantly to help ensure video is available when needed, and you can control video access across operating systems and storage platforms. With advanced grooming algorithms and dynamic storage pooling, ESM enables you to retain and retrieve video according to enterprise needs, rather than according to the limitations of proprietary storage devices. And, authorized users can access video data anytime and anywhere, transparently — that is, without knowing where the video is stored. With ESM, you can employ a reliable, available, and scalable storage solution and enhance the effectiveness of your video surveillance operations.

Download the Storage Solutions data sheet - PDF Version