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Products Voice & Video-over-IP Broadcast TV Video Networking Solutions

 NetVX_1206NetVX Encoder
NetVx is an integrated multi-service platform that provides seamless, cost-effective network transport of video, audio, and data. NetVx is designed around a high-speed bus and modular shelf architecture which provides unparalleled flexibility, scalability and carrier-class reliability.
 NETplus HD Decoder_1206NETplus HD Decoder
The NETplus decoder is an integrated high definition 4:2:0 or 4:2:2 MPEG-2 audio/video receiver and decoder designed to provide contribution and network distribution quality for video networking.
 H-Class Intelligent Transport_1206H-Class Intelligent Transport
The H-Class Intelligent Transport application enables broadcasters and originators to schedule the delivery of their file-based content across public and private networks based on business rules.