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Umc-5 with PS.JPG (80391 bytes)
Universal Mount Chassis (UMC)

TriPakBack.gif (9368 bytes)
TRI-PAK Space Saver Chassis

The Universal Mount Chassis (UMC) and TRI-PAK Space Saver Chassis will support select models of Modem Eliminators, Interface Converters, High Speed Line Drivers and SDSL Modems.

The UMC-3 is a 15-position, rear-loading card cage with built-in power supply. It has dimensions of 5.25"H x 8.5"D x 19"W and is designed to fit into a standard equipment rack.  It can support 15 single-width cards, or 7 double-width cards, or some combination of the two. It provides the 24 Volts AC that is standard power input for rackmount cards. The UMC-3 power supply is actually a dual-transformer unit with an automatic back-up capability. If the primary power transformer fails, the unit automatically shifts the load over to its secondary transformer. There is also a front-panel manual override switch that can shift the load over to the secondary. Both power transformers connect to the same AC power source through a single AC line cord. The power supply transformers are switchable between 115/230VAC @ 50/60Hz.

 The UMC-5 is also a 15-position, rear-loading card cage with built-in power supply. It is very similar to the UMC-3 and provides the same automatic power transformer back-up capability, but its primary and secondary power transformers are fed from different AC power sources through two separate AC line cords. This allows the power transformers to draw power from separate AC outlets and circuit breakers, and allows the UMC-5 to survive a single-point AC interruption. The power supply transformers are switchable between 115/230VAC @ 50/60Hz.

The UMC-6 is a 15-position, rear-loading card cage with a built in DC-to-AC power inverter. This power supply is designed to accept -48VDC, typically found in telco environments, and to convert it to the 24 Volts AC that is standard power input for DEI rackmount cards.

The TRI-PAK Space Saver chassis is a low-profile, 3-position, rear-loading chassis. It has dimensions of 1.75"H x 19"W x 8"D and is designed to fit into a standard equipment rack.  Three single-width rackmount cards install horizontally into the chassis. It is powered by an external 110VAC @ 60Hz or 220VAC @ 50HZ wall-mount transformer. This space saver chassis can be used in situations where the number of rackmount cards and the potential for expansion, may not justify the expense, or the rack space, of a full UMC chassis.