7060/7061 Outdoor EnclosureThe best way to weather-proof Proxim Access Point and Extension Point from the elements!
For those situations where your mobile application requires the installation of an Ethernet or Token Ring Access Point (AP) or Extension Point (EP) in outdoor or harsh environmental conditions, the Proxim 7060/7061 Outdoor Enclosure is the perfect answer. The Proxim Outdoor Enclosure is NEMA 4-rated to completely protect against windblown dust or rain, splashing or hose directed water. It is resistant to ice formation, while a heater option allows APs or EPs to endure the harshest weather conditions, enabling operation down to -50oC. The Proxim Outdoor Enclosure is designed with ease of installation and maintenance in mind. Watertight antenna connectors are pre-mounted on the outside, so there is no need for additional modification. An external power lamp lets you know from the ground that your unit is operating.* And, if you should ever need to remove the unit for maintenance, the antennas can simply be disconnected without removing them, allowing the unit to be dismounted in its entirety without opening. The Proxim Outdoor Enclosure is also padlock-ready for security. Features
Mounting Dimensions * Currently not available in models 7510, 7520, and 7521 |
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